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An untold story of the First Transgender Wedding in Kolkata

I saw her first on social media around 2013. She was tall, dark with sculpted features, exuding a blend of beauty, power, elegance, and strength that was rare. I was intrigued enough to research more about her. During the following years, united with the common goal of crusading against discriminations and being the voice for the voiceless, she turned into a dear friend. This August I attended her social wedding. A brief story from the photographer herself.
Published at various journals and exhibited too.

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20 most loved Bollywood Songs for Couple Posing Ideas

WOWDINGS always gets asked, what inspires us or where do we get the ideas to capture the couple in naturally beautiful poses on our pre-wedding shoots. So here is a handpicked list of some Bollywood songs, which helps us get the most attractive couple shots. We read a lot of books, poetry, watch films, and also attend art exhibitions to learn what other creators think and draw inspiration from that.

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The best 30 Indian films that every photographer should watch

Collection of the best 30 Indian films that every photographer should watch in this #lockdown period. This article brings together 30 of the best artistically created Indian fictional movies, that we shall analyse in detail to understand the use of art behind them. A movie is a collective work of each skilful artisan to make you seat on the edge in a movie hall. If a budding photographer wants to improve their craft, they need to learn how great filmmakers and cinematographers capture moving images on the screen to make a great cinema.

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